Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Feasibility of Entry Security Systems in Bangladesh free essay sample
1. 1. 0: Executive Summary | | The world has become more business oriented. People are thinking and creating new concepts of business, security service is one of them. In the last decade security services providers have increased very fast in Bangladesh. This business has a great potentiality. People are contacting security companies to make secure their valuable things and security companies are providing customers’ required services. Security service providers are providing different services. They are contribution to the nation as a whole. This is a fact that the security services are not grown as cost effective as for corporate. Individual residential security service is expensive, which is not affordable for the all the urban dwellers. Besides this, some of the parents go for their respective jobs, keeping their kids alone at home. It is not possible for them always to keep their sweet home safe from any external vicious person. There is a way-out to solve their problem. Individual residents can use Entry Security System to make their home safer from external activist. However, security guard could be use but it is not cost effective and they could not protect all the time. Entry Security System is the smarter, advanced and cheapest way. This is convenient and hassle free security system. Entry security Systems is a comprehensive evaluation of the Bangladesh market. Security service providers have great contribution to the country directly or indirectly. These companies are contributing a lot in employment market. They are creating new jobs and opportunity for unemployed people. They are introducing part-time and marketing jobs for students and others. This research will analyze the financial performance of the companies and success of the business. Using the most up to date information available, the analysis will ideal both as a tool to benchmark the company’s results and to study the market in more depth. |1. 2. 0: Background of the Study | In the last decade security services providers have increased very fast in Bangladesh. This business has great potentiality. People are contacting security companies to make secure their valuable things and security companies are providing customers’ required services. Security service providers are providing different services. They are contributing to the nation as a whole. The economic condition of Bangladesh is changing day by day. Peoples’ purchasing power has increased, and their buying pattern has changed. As a result, people using more money for consumption of different products and want more security to their products. In urban area; e. g. Dhaka, Chittagong there are many companies proving security services to their customers. They are providing corporate and residential security services also. Entry Security System has contribution to the society. It is necessary and demand of time to make our home secured. Through this, we will come forward one-step ahead of using modern and advanced technology of security. Therefore, we felt to make a research on the market feasibility of Entry Security Systems in Bangladesh. Our research focuses on the prospects and feasibility of Entry Security Systems (ESS) in Bangladesh. As Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and ESS has great potentiality of getting acceptance, we have chosen to focus on Dhaka City. Other reasons are like; Dhaka is a mega city and people from different areas come here for different purposes. Dhaka city tends to be heavy users of Entry Security Systems (ESS) and is the first to embrace the concept of the â€Å"security service†with a resultant shift in preferred attributes. Most of the major companies have their offices in Dhaka. There are different types of housing systems in Dhaka city and the income levels of Dhaka residents are higher than other cities. They have interest and ability to coupe up with modern technology. They are very much aware of their security. |1. 3. 0: Objective of The Study | There are two types of objectives: 01. Major/ General Objective 02. Specific Objective |1. 3. 1: Major Objective | ( The major objective of the study is to determine the feasibility of Entry Security Systems in Bangladesh. |1. 3. 2: Specific Objective | ( The specific objectives of the study are: a) To determine the potentiality of Entry Security Systems. ) To determine the demand of Entry Security Systems. c) To determine the single users of Entry Security Systems . d) To determine the multiple users of Entry Security Systems. e) To determine the users of Entry Security Systems with visualization. f) To determine the users of Entry Security Systems without visualization. |1. 4. 0: Scope Of The Study | ( The residents of Dhaka city will be brought under the research. The people of Dhaka city will be classified into different areas. The people of Dhanmondi, Banani, Gulshan, Mohakhali DOHS, Baridhara DOHS, Basundhara R/A, Uttara, Wari, Lalmatia, Monipuripara will be brought under the study. |1. 5. 0: Key Variables | ( Variables are most useful in studies, some are given below: 0Sales potentiality 0Market size 0Demand for product 0Discount options 0Product Variety |1. 6. 0: Limitations of the study | ( There are some limitation appeared in conducting the study. ? Shortage of time. ? Effective manpower ? Sufficient budget Sample size determination/ selection. ? Literature and information unavailability ? Proper Respondents |1. 7. 0: Methodology | ( There are several methodology of study. Some are given hereafter. |1. 7. 1: Sampling | Since sample includes representative groups of study unite with specific areas, the sampling frame has divided into groups, or strata, according to the areas. Stratified and Simple Random Sampling procedure has been followed to select the sample. The sample size of the research were 100 between 10,000 individual house and flat owner of 10 different areas in Dhaka city. 10 samples have taken from predetermined group (stratum) each. The individual house and flat residents of Dhanmondi, Banani, Gulshan, Mohakhali DOHS, Baridhara DOHS, Basundhara R/A, Uttara, Wari, Lalmatia, Monipuripara have given a number and selected through simple random sampling procedure. |1. 7. 2: Sources of Data | Secondary data sources will be used to generate this study. The secondary data sources are review of existing documents in local municipality offices, office of ward commissioners, Government surveys, journals, etc. |1. 7. 3: Data Collection Techniques and Tools | ( Data Collection Technique:Data will be collected by providing respondents a set of questionnaire; interviewing and those will be both open ended and close ended. ( Data Collection Tools:Data coll ection through Questionnaire, Direct Interview and Focus Group Discussion. 1. 7. 4: Plan for Data Collection | ( Plan for data collection can be made in two steps: i. Listing the tasks that we have to be carried out and who should be involved, making a rough estimate of the time needed for the different parts of the study, and identifying the most appropriate period in which to carry out research; ii. Actually scheduling the different activities that we have to be carried out each week in a work plan. |1. 7. : Study Team | ( Five persons will be assigned to carry out the study. |1. 7. 6: Study Area | ( The study will be conducted in the Dhaka city. |1. 7. 7: Plan for Data Processing | ( When we will make a plan for data processing, the following issues should be considered: ( Sorting data; Performing quality control checks; ( Monitor the Data Processing Activities; ( Preparing draft report; |1. 7. 8: Data Analysis Procedure | ( Data will be analyzed using proper statistical sof tware like, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Since the data will be qualitative and quantitative in nature, each observation will require a descriptive analysis to see the necessity/problems or deficiency (if any). |1. 7. : Duration of the study | ( The duration of the market research shall start as soon as the contract is signed and will be completed with in six months (Approximately). |1. 8. 0: Study/ work Plan | ( The proposed study plan (work plan) is presented here. The plan shows detail tasks, their inter-relationships and time requirement to complete the task. |Sl No. Activities |Timing in Days |Month | | | ( The proposed budget (Financial Proposal) is presented here. The plan shows the financial support needed to complete the task. |Sl. No. |Factors |Unit Cost |Multiplying factors |Total | |1. |Salary/ Fees | | | | | |a. Principal Investigator |30,000/Month |1 Person X 6 Month |1,80,000 | | |b. Research Associate |20,000/Month |1 Person X 4 Month |80,000 | | |c. Field Investigator |15,000/Month |3 Persons X 3 Month |1,35,000 | | |d. Computer Programmer |25,000/Month |1 Person X 1 Month |25,000 | | |e. Data Analyst |30,000/Month |1 Person X 1 Month |30,000 | |2. |Data Collection | | | | | |a. Traveling Allowance | | |1,20,000 | | |b. Perdiam/ Daily Allowance | | |75,000 | |3. |Reproduction | | |50,000 | |4. Stationary | | |20,000 | |5. |Miscellaneous | | |75,000 | | |7,90,000 | |Total (Tk. ) | | |2. 1. 0: General Findings and Analysis | Q1: Name. The first question of the questionnaire (Name) is a warm up question written down by the respondents. Findings and Analysis: ? Total 100 out of 100 respondents participated for this question. It was a basic question just to start the questionnaire. Everybody positively responded for this question by giving their opinions (100% response). ? People respond very warmly, so there is a very good chance to communicate people. Q2: Relation with household head. Findings and Analysis: ? Total 100 out of 100 respondents participated for this question. It was a preliminary question to find out the relation of respondent to the household head. Out of the 100 respondents 60% found the household head, and they appreciated the research on Entry Security Systems. ? 20% of the respondents found spouse of household head. They also respond positively. ? 6% of the respondents were the children of the household head. As the household head was not present that time they respond the questionnaire. It is al so found that they feel such a product to make their home secure when their parents were not present at home. ? 12% of the respondents were the parents of the household head. They positively respond the question and spoke about their fear at home about lack of security. 2% of the respondents were other persons. They were the relatives of the household head and stayed at home at the time of survey. Q3: Location. Findings and Analysis: ? Total respondents live in Dhanmondi, Banani, Gulshan, Mohakhali DOHS, Baridhara DOHS, Basundhara R/A, Uttara, Wari, Lalmatia, Monipuripara. ? Each area consists of 10% of the respondents. It was predetermined that 10 sample will be taken from each stratum. ? All the respondents participated utterly. ? This interest proves the feasible condition of ESS in Dhaka city. Q4: Age. Findings and Analysis: This question was included to identify the age group of the respondents and their preference on ESS. Everybody was enthusiastic to respond this question and gave their opinions (100% response). ? 5 respondents were from age group 11-20, 20 from 21-30, 45 from 31-40, 25 from 41-50 and 5 respondents were above 50. ? All the respondents shown their interest about the ESS. Q5: Sex. Findings and Analysis: ? From the survey with 100 samples, we have found 76% of male respondents and 24% of female respondents from different area. ? Total 100 of 100 respondents participated for this question. Everybody positively responded for this question by giving their opinions (100% response). ? The numbers of the male respondents are greater in respect of female. ? All the respondents irrespective of male and female were very much aware of their some security and some of them added they feel need of good security system. Q6: Occupation. Findings and Analysis: ? In this question, we asked respondents about their occupation. ? Everybody positively responded for this question by giving their opinions (100% response). ? From the 100 respondents, we have found 16% are students, 28% are doing business, 31% in service, 18% housewife and 7% are nvolved in other profession. ? Among the respondents, businessmen and housewives mostly prefer ESS. Q7: Household Type. Findings and Analysis: ? We incorporated this question to find out the type of household belong. ? 64% of the respondent answered that they are the owner of the house or the flat. ? 36% of the respondents are residing on rental basi s. ? Household owners are very much interested to adopt with new technology for their home. ? Rental residents are also interested to install ESS to their respective houses as they stay their long time. Here we found that the rental residents are solvent and they worry about their home security. They stay in rented house because of their respective job purpose and some of them stay outside the country. Q8. Household Size (Sft): Findings and Analysis: ? We were privileged to ask about the size of the respondents respective houses. All the respondents answered positively. ? 8% of the respondents are living in a house less than 1000 sft. ? 42% of the respondents staying in flats ranging from 1001-1500 sft, 13% in 1501-2000 sft, 19% in 2001-2500 sft. We are delighted that the respondents are highly conscious about their home security. 6% of the respondents stay in houses ranging 2501-3000 sft and 12% in above 3000 sft category. Some of them are individual houses. Q9. Household member: Findings and Analysis: ? Through this question we came to know the member of the respondents’ house and the emergence of the security system. ? 4% of the respondents answered they are only 1-2 membe rs in the house. ? 54% of the respondents replied that their families consist of 3-4 members. ? 42% of the respondents told that their families have 5-6 members. ? No respondents found consist of more than 6 members. Q10. Feel about home security: Findings and Analysis: ? Through this question we tried to know respondents’ feeling about home security. ? We were amazed to know that 68% of the respondents feel unsafe condition about their home. They are not satisfied about their respective home security. ? 18% of the respondents are somehow satisfied but they feel unsafe when they go out for distance travel. ? 3% of the respondents told about their hassle about security. Despite of having no alternative they had to coupe up with the condition. ? 11% of the respondents replied that they feel safe about home security. Q11. Extent of unsafe: Findings and Analysis: ? In relation to the previous question we tried to move in depth about the respondents’ feel of security. ? 23% of the respondents replied they feel very highly unsafe about security. ? 45% are not satisfied with their present security measures and they feel highly unsafe. ? 21% of the respondents are moderately satisfied about their safety measures. ? 11% of the respondents, who feel they are safe, did not participate in this question. ? Over all security situation of the dwellers are not satisfactory and most of them look for modern and economical safety measures. Q12. Do you have security measures? Findings and Analysis: ? 58% of the respondent replied that they have security measures. In fact those are backdated and not well functioning. ? 42% answered, they don’t have security measures and they are not willing to adjust with backdated security measures. Q13. Type of security: Findings and Analysis: ? 42% of the respondent did not participate in this question. ? 54% of the respondents told that they have security guard and some of them are partially satisfied of the service. ? 4% of the respondents replied that they have security system and they are satisfied. This is to note that all the security products cannot make them safe and they are facing servicing problem. Q14. How much (BDT) spent per month for security? Findings and Analysis: ? We integrated the question to find out how much money respondents are spending per month for their security measures. ? 42% of the respondent did not participate in this question. ? None of the responden ts can make them secure spending less than BDT. 2000 per month. ? 18% of the respondents spend money ranging BDT. 2001-4000 only. ? 32% of the respondents spend money ranging BDT. 4001-6000 only. ? 4% of the respondents spend money ranging BDT. 001-8000 only. ? None of the respondents willing to spend money more than BDT. 8000 per month. Q15. Rank the security options. Findings and Analysis: ? We included this question to identify respondent’s security preference. ? 42% declared their top media priority is security guard. They like to have security guards instead of others. Then they prefer security systems, boundary wall, lock and fancy boundary. ? 58% ranked security system as top priority and then security guards, lock, boundary wall and fancy boundary. ? With the above findings we can easily identify that most of the people like to install security system. In fact security guards also been preferred by the respondents. Q16. Which type of security you want at home: Finding s and Analysis: ? 8% of the respondents like to have traditional security systems. ? Surprisingly 92% of the respondents prefer to have modern security system to make their home secure. ? It is a great matter of hope that day by day people are willing to coupe up with modern technology and systems. Q17. Have you heard about Entry Security Systems? Findings and Analysis: ? It is a great pleasure that 78% of the respondents replied that they heard about security systems. 22% of the respondents replied that they are unknown about security system. ? It is a good sign for ESS, because people familiar with security system and products, so company’s need not to give too much effort to introduce ESS in the market. Q18. What type of user you are? Findings and Analysis: ? 84% of the respondents answered, they like to install single unit ESS. ? 16% of the respondents replied they would prefer to install multiple ESS. ? Most of the flat owner’s have association. They like to insta ll multiple system for their flats and integrate them all. Q19. Which one you prefer for your home security? Findings and Analysis: ? 62% respondents liking video integrated security system at their respective home. ? 38% respondents wish to implant security system without video. ? Most of the single unit user want their security system with video, which will make them sure about the entering person. Q20. Does ESS can make your home secured? Findings and Analysis: ? 54% respondents think ESS can make their home secure and liked by the people. ? 32% respondents think ESS can somehow make their home secure. ? 14% respondents moderately believe that ESS can make their home secure. It’s clear that ESS has a great impact on respondent’s mind and they feel that ESS is calmness in their mind. Q21. How useful did you find this product? Findings and Analysis: ? 56% of respondents understand security system very well and feel that ESS is very useful. ? 30% of the respondents replied that ESS is somewhat useful. ? 8% of the respondents told ESS is moderately useful. ? 6% of the responden ts do not believe that ESS is very useful, they feel machines cannot protect all the time. Q22. In general, how would you rate the quality of ESS compared to others? Findings and Analysis: 64% respondents believe that ESS is very excellent compare to other security products. ? 28% respondents replied that ESS is good compare to others. ? 8% respondents think that ESS is fair compare to other security products and options. ? It is a positive side that, none of the respondents interpret that ESS is poor in quality. Q23. How appealing did you find this product? Findings and Analysis: ? 52% respondents believe that ESS is very appealing. It is very good sign for the company that, they have able to create image to their customers. ? 34% respondents feel that ESS is moderately appealing. 8% of the respondents replied that ESS is fairly appealing and company will make more effort to improvise the customers. ? None of the respondent comment that ESS is not appealing, it focuses that company can gain more appreciation and customers with small effort. 24. Please indicate your evaluation of Entry Security Systems[pic]. Findings and Analysis: ? This question was included to know the overall evaluation of Entry Security System. Response from the respondents will show the overall performance of ESS. ? 78% respondents felt and strongly agreed that ESS is very secured system. 22% agreed that ESS can make them secured. None of the respondents express neutral position. No one disagreed or strongly disagreed about the security matter of ESS. ? Majority of the respondents support ESS as secured, so it has market acceptability. ? In terms of effectiveness 74% respondents strongly agree, 18% agree, 8% neutral about their opinion. None of the respondents disagree or strongly disagree. ? Most of the respondents support that ESS is effective, so we hope it will gain customers’ attention as well as growth. ? 82% of the respondents highly satisfied and strongly agreed about the well design of ESS. 18% agreed in terms of well design. Its lucrative design attracted all the respondents’ attention and no one neither disagreed nor strongly disagreed. ? Well design and attractive features will straighten the way to gain more market share. ? In terms of economical option 3% of the respondents strongly agreed, 20% agreed, 67% neutral 8% disagreed, and 2% strongly disagreed. ? Majority respondents’ stand on neutral position, it proves that if company can give ESS at an affordable price, it will capture huge customers. ? 63% hope and strongly agreed that ESS is durable. 31% agreed and 6% stand on their neutral opinion in terms of durability. No one of the respondents arise question about the durability of ESS. ? In vision with professionalism, 12% strongly agreed and 32% agreed that ESS is professional security support system. 48% neutral and 8% disagreed on terms of professionalism. |2. 2. 0: Major Findings and Analysis | †¢ Respondents buying behavior and comment about Entry Security System are positive. †¢ Most of the respondents support ESS because people like changes according to the time and needs. ESS is able to create interest into the customers’ mind. †¢ Respondents are persuaded or inspired to make their buying decisions. †¢ Survey analysis shows that most of the respondents from various areas prefer ESS. †¢ Major portion of respondents showed their interest on ESS and they also prefer other features of ESS. †¢ Respondents who are businessman/service holders, they expend most of time out side of the residence. That time they strongly feel lack of security to their sweet hom e. †¢ From the ranking of security option, we can say ESS is more preferable to most of the customers. †¢ People know about ESS. Now people are more conscious about their safety. †¢ Most of the respondents show positive attitude. |2. 3. 0: Recommendation | (We tried to aggregate the suggestions and opinions come through respondents and ours also. The followings are the recommendations: ? Contribute to social activities and social awareness. ? Provide overtly promotional activities. ? The producers will not be inclined to produce the same product for all. ? Company will emphasize on marketing activities in their appropriate moods. As all forms of communication are connection points with consumers, consumer research is important. ? Marketing strategy requires a holistic 360 degrees approach, which integrates techniques for planning and expanding business. ? Close monitoring of consumer behavior, market place and performance/effectiveness of ESS has become a necessity. ? Company will groom the bright minds and prepare them for upcoming challenges. ? For better performance we have to bring reality, idea, people and information together. ? Company has to understand potentials of our resources and promote values and priorities to the mass. Marketers will make sense to the consumers. ? Company would broadcast more creative and informative advertisements on electronic media to attract, inform and satisfy its customers. |2. 4. 0: Conclusion | It is usually said that if marketing would be a train, then market research would be the locomotive. In other words, market research should ideally be the starting point of any marketing exercise. Without researching the potential market is as sensible as setting out to sell sand in the Sahara Desert. To establish a new product sales managers have vital role to play. They have to conduct initial survey to identify the feasibility of their products. Then they will compile the data and take meaningful actions. In preparing the report we have tried to collect relevant data and aggregate them according to the guideline. This report provides the answers to all the questions that generally occupy the minds of marketers, at every stage of the marketing process. This report analyzes the markets for Entry Security Systems and provides separate comprehensive analytics for the Bangladesh. Security service providers have great contribution to the country directly and indirectly. These companies are contributing a lot in employment market. They are creating new jobs and opportunity for unemployed people. They are introducing part-time and marketing jobs for students and others. We hope that Entry Security System will make a revolution in Bangladesh’s market and would be proud to serve the nation. |c. References | Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007. |d. Annexure I: Questionnaire | A: Identification: Q1. Name: Q2. Relation with household head: ? (1) Self ? (2) Spouse ? (3) Child ? (4) Parent ? (5) Sibling ? (6) Others Q3. Location: ? (1) Dhanmondi ? (2) Banani ? (3) Gulshan ? (4) Mohakhali DOHS ? (5) Baridhara DOHS ? (6) Basundhara R/A ? (7) Uttara ? (8) Wari ? (9) Lalmatia ? (10) Monipuripara B: Socio-Demographic Characteristics: Q4. Age: ? (1) Below 10 ? (2) 11-20 ? (3) 21-30 ? (4) 31-40 ? (5) 41-50 ? (6) Above 50 Q5. Sex: ? (1) Male ? (2) Female Q6. Occupation: ? (1) Student ? (2) Business ? (3) Service ? (4) House Wife ? (5) Others Q7. Household type: ? (1) Owner ? (2) Rental Q8. Household Size (Sft): ? (1) Below 1000 ? (2) 1001-1500 ? (3) 1501-2000 ? (4) 2001-2500 ? (5) 2501-3000 ? (6) Above 3000 Q9. Household member: ? (1) 1-2 ? (2) 3-4 ? (3) 5-6 ? (4) 7-8 ? (5) 9-10 C: Living Economical Conditions: Q10. Feel about home security: ? (1) Unsafe Condition ? (2) Distance travel ? (3) Hassle ? (4) Safe Q11. Extent of unsafe: ? (1) Very High ? (2) High ? (3) Moderate ? (4) Low ? (5) Very low Q12. Do you have security measures? ? (1) Yes (2) No (Skip 13-14) Q13. Type of security: ? (1) Security Guard ? (2) Security System Q14. How much (BDT) spent per month for security? ? (1) Below 1000 ? (2) 1001-2000 ? (3) 2001-4000 ? (4) 4001-6000 ? (5) 6001-8000 ? (6) Above 8000 D: Security Characteristics: Q15. Rank the security options: (1) Security Guard (2) Security System (3) Boundary Wall (4) Fancy Boundary (5) Lock Only (6) No Security Q16. Which type of security you want at home: ? (1) Traditional Security Guard ? (2) Modern Security System Q17. Have you heard about Entry Security Systems? (1) Yes ? (2) No Q18. What type of user you are? ? (1) Single user ? (2) Multi user Q19. Which one you prefer for your home security? ? (1) Security System with Video ? (2) Security System without Video Q20. Does ESS can make your home secured? ? (1) 5 Very Well ? (2) 4 ? (3) 3 Moderately ? (4) 2 ? (5) 1 Poor. Q21. How useful did you find this product? ? (1) Very Useful ? (2) Somewhat Useful ? (3) Undecided ? (4) Not Very Useful ? (5) Not at all Useful Q22. In general, how would you rate the quality of ESS compared to others? ? (1) Excellent ? (2) Good ? (3) Fair ? (4) Poor (5) Undecided Q23. How appealing did you find this product? ? (1) Very Appealing ? (2) Somewhat Appealing ? (3) Undecided ? (4) Not Very Appealing ? (5) Not at all Appealing 24. Please indicate your evaluation of Entry Security Systems[pic]. | |(1) Strongly |(2) Disagree |(3) Neutral |(4) Agree |(5) Strongly | | |Disagree | | | |Agree | |a. Secured | | | | | | |b. Effective | | | | | | |c. Well design | | | | | | |d. Economical | | | | | | |e. Durable | | | | | | |f. Professional | | | | | | Thank you for Cooperating. We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion. |e. Annexure II: SPSS Output | |f. Annexure III: List of Security Products | ? Access control security systems ? Access control security for the home and for buildings ? Door entry security systems for apartment buildings ? Door entrance security systems for multi-unit buildings ? Door screening security systems for the home and for apartment building ? Door screening security systems for office buildings, commercial buildings ? Entry security systems for gated communities ? Entrance door security screening with intercom and video ? Front door screening security ? Home security system apartment ? Home entry access security ? Home entry security monitored and controlled by phone ? Home door entry security systems ? Multi-unit door intercom security systems ? Secure entry intercom systems ? Security door entry intercom ? Security door intercom systems ? Security door latch and intercom ? Security entry system for multi-unit dwellings Security entry systems ? Security entry intercom systems for the home ? Video entry security systems ? Video door entrance security systems |g. Annexure IV: Pictures of Some Security Products | [pic] Figure: 1 [pic] Dear Sir/ Madam, This study explores the market potentiality of â€Å"Entry Security Systems†in Bangladesh. It focuses on the market acceptance of security products in Dhaka city, Ba ngladesh. You are invited to participate in the research. Participation in entirely voluntary and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. The information provided in the interview will remain strictly confidential, except as requires by law and persons interviewed will be anonymous. The information will be used only for the purposes of course requirement of Basic Marketing Research, Department of Business Administration, IBAIS University, Dhaka. Page No. 4 Page No. 2 Page No. 5 Principal Investigator Research Associate Field Investigator [pic] [pic] Page No. 8 Page No. 3 Page No. 9 Figure: 24 [pic] Page No. 6 Figure: 21 [pic] Figure: 19 [pic] Page No. 1 Page No. 10 [pic] Figure: 14 [pic] Figure: 20 vi Figure: 18 [pic] Figure: 17 [pic] Figure: 16 Figure: 15 [pic] Page No. 7 Figure: 5 Figure: 6 [pic] Figure: 7 [pic] [pic] Figure: 4 Figure: 8 Figure: 3 [pic] Figure: 10 [pic] [pic] Figure: 9 [pic] [pic] Figure: 2 [pic] Figure: 11 [pic] Figure: 12 Figure: 13 [pic] [pic] Figure: 22 Page No. 11 Page No. 12 Page No. 13 Page No. 14 Page No. 17 u  ¬ A #  ? ?zY  ¦Ã‚ ° OUi? I? I? A? A ±Ã‚ ? Z|ZjXZI:hGZ*h §;? Page No. 16 Page No. 15 Page No. 18 Page No. 19 Page No. 20 Page No. 21 Page No. 22 iii iv v vii
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