Tuesday, August 25, 2020
French Expressions Using Temps
French Expressions Using Temps The French word le temps truly implies time or climate and is additionally utilized in numerous colloquial articulations. Figure out how to state save time, work sharing, to interruption, and more with this rundown of articulations with temps. Potential Meanings of Le Temps time (however not when reading a clock in French)weather(grammar) action word tense(music) beat(science) stage, stage Articulations With Temps le TempsFather Timele temps daccã ¨s (computers)access timele temps dantenneairtimele temps darrã ªtpause, haltle temps astronomiquemean/cosmic timele temps atomiqueatomic timele temps composã © (grammar)compound action word tensele temps de cuissoncooking timele temps diffã ©rã © (computers)batch modele temps faibleweak beat, low pointle temps fortstrong beat, high pointle temps frappã © (music)downbeatle temps de guerrewartimele temps librespare timele temps littã ©raire (grammar)literary action word tensele temps mortstoppage, injury time; hush, slack periodle temps de paixpeacetimele temps de paroleair timele temps partagã © (computers)time-sharingle temps de present (photography)exposure/esteem indexle temps de rã ©actionreaction timele temps de rã ©ponseresponse timele temps de saignement (medicine)bleeding timele temps que subjunctiveby the time (that) basic pastle temps sidã ©ralsidereal timele temps basic (grammar)simple action word tensele temps solaire vraiappar ent/genuine sun oriented timele temps surcomposã © (grammar)double-compound tensele temps universeluniversal timele temps de valsewaltz timeun adverbe de temps (grammar)adverb of time, transient adverbun bon temps (sports)good time/resultle complã ©ment de temps (grammar)complement of time, fleeting complementla concordance des temps (grammar)sequence of tensesle travail temps choisiflextime, flexitimele travail temps partagã ©job sharingsaccorder un temps de rã ©flexionto give oneself opportunity to thinkarriver tempsto come just in timeattendre quelque tempsto hold up a whileavoir du bon tempsto have a good time, to have a decent timeavoir du temps devant soito have the opportunity to spareavoir le temps (de faire)to have time (to do)se donner du bon tempsto live it up, to have a decent timeã ªtre dans les tempsto be inside as far as possible, to be on time/time, to be alright for timeã ªtre de child tempsto take care of business/lady of his/her timefaire child tempsto serve ones time (in the military/prison), to have ones dayfaire un temps de Toussaintto have dim and miserable weathermarquer un temps darrã ªtto pausemettre du temps ( faire quelque chose)to set aside effort (to do something)passer le in addition to clair de child temps rã ªverto invest the vast majority of ones energy daydreamingpasser child temps ( faire)to invest ones time (doing)passer tout child temps ( faire)to invest all of ones time (doing)perdre du/child temps ( faire qch)to sit around/burn through ones time (doing something)prendre du bon tempsto have fun, to have a decent timeprendre le temps de faireto discover/make time to dotravailler plein temps/temps pleinto work full-timetravailler temps partielto work part-timetuer le tempsto kill time Au temps pour moi !My mistake!Avec le temps, à §a sarrangeraThings will get themselves straightened out in timeã‡a remonte la nuit des tempsThat returns to the beginning of time, Thats as old as the hillsã‡a se perd dans la nuit des tempsIts lost in the fogs of timeCela fait passer le tempsIt spends the timeCela prend trop de tempsIt takes (up) a lot of time, Its also time-consumingCest un signe des tempsIts an indication of the timesCà ©tait le bon tempsThose were the daysCe home ni le temps ni le lieu deThis is neither the time nor the spot for/toComme le temps passe ! How time flies!Depuis le temps que je te le dis ! Ive let you know frequently enough!Donnez-moi le temps deGive me brief toIl a pris child temps ! He took as much time as is needed (about it)!Il est temps deâ infinitiveIts time toIl est/serait (terrific) temps que  subjunctiveIts (high) time thatIl à ©tait temps !About time! In the scratch of time!Il faut bien passer le tempsYouve got the chance to sit back somehowIl faut à ªtre de child tempsYou need to move with the timesIl faut donner/laisser du temps au tempsYou need to give these things timeIl home in addition to temps deThe time for ___ is overIl home que temps deIts high time toIl ny a pas de temps perdreTheres no an ideal opportunity to loseIl y an un temps pour tout (proverb)Theres a perfect time for everythingJe me suis arrã ªtã © juste le temps deI halted sufficiently long toLa jeunesse na quun tempsYouth doesnt lastPrenez votre tempsTake your timeQuel temps fait-ilâ ? Hows the weather?Quels temps nous vivons !What times we live in!Le temps cest de largent (proverb)Time is moneyLe temps est venu deThe opportunity has arrived to, its time toLe temps home in addition to oà ¹Gone are the days whenLe temps perdu ne se rattrape jamais (proverb)Time and tide hang tight for no manLe temps presseTime is shortLes temps ont bien changà ©Times have changedLes temps sont durs !Times are hard!Vous avez tout votre tempsYou have constantly on the planet/a lot of time/all the time you need deux/trois tempsin twofold/triple time tempsin time temps perduin ones extra timeau bon vieux tempsin old fashioned daysces derniers tempslately, recentlyces temps-cithese daysces temps dernierslately, recentlycombien de tempshow much timedans lancien tempsin the bygone daysdans le bon vieux tempsin old fashioned daysdans ce temps-lat that timedans les derniers temps detowards the end ofdans un deuxiã ¨me tempssubsequentlydans les meilleurs tempsâ (sports)among the b est timesdans mon jeune tempsin my more youthful daysdans peu de tempsbefore longdans un chief tempsat first, to begin with, the first phasedans quelque tempsbefore long, in a (bit) whiledans le tempsin the days of yore, previously, formerlyde mon tempsin my dayde tout tempssince the start of timede temps autrefrom time to time, each now and thende temps en tempsfrom time to time, each now and thendepuis combien de tempsfor to what extent, for what amount of time, since whendepuis quelque tempsfor some time, its been some time sincedepuis le temps queconsidering to what extent, in all the time that, its been quite a while sincedu temps que tu y esâ (informal)while youre at iten ce temps-lat that timeen ces temps troublã ©sin these/those grieved timesen deux temps, trois mouvementsâ (informal)in twofold time, rapidly, before you could state Jack Robinsonen peu de tempsin a short timeen temps et en heurein due courseen temps et lieuin proper way, at the best possible time (and plac e)en temps normalusually, under ordinary circumstancesen temps opportunat the fitting timeen temps ordinaireusually, under typical circumstancesen temps utilein due timeen temps vouluin due timeen un temps oã ¹at a period whenentre temps, entre-tempsmeanwhile, in the meantimehors du tempstimelessil y a lover tempsfor a long timeil y a combien de tempsâ ? to what extent ago?les jeunes de notre tempsyoung individuals todayun moteur 4 temps4-stroke engineun ordinateur exploitã © en temps rã ©elreal-time computerpar les temps qui courentthese days, nowadayspar temps clairon a sunny morning, in clear weatherpendant ce temps(- l)meanwhile, in the meantimepeu de temps avant/aprã ¨sshortly previously/afterla plupart de child tempsmost of ones timela plupart du tempsmost of the timepour un tempsfor a whileles premiers tempsat first, in the beginningtout le tempsall the time
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